Build a Kernel
After making any required modifications to your kernel, the project uses
docker buildx bake
to build the various Docker images. Each kernel can be targeted specifically, or if needed, any of the configured groups of images can be built together
Supported Build Targets
Bake Target | Language | Version | Notes |
python_3_9 | Python | 3.9 | CPU |
python_3_10 | Python | 3.10 | CPU |
python_3_9_gpu | Python | 3.9 | GPU |
python_3_10_gpu | Python | 3.10 | GPU |
rlang_4_3_0 | R | 4.3.0 | CPU |
Building a Kernel
Once necessary files have been copied, bake
can be executed. This will build
the requested target, and any required parent images
task python:base:copy-files NBL_PYTHON_VERSION=<python_version> IDENTIFIER=base # or base-gpu for GPU images
task python:noteable:copy-files NBL_PYTHON_VERSION=<python_version> IDENTIFIER=base
docker buildx bake ${target}
task r:base:copy-files NBL_LANGUAGE_VERSION=<R version>
docker buildx bake ${target}