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Project Structure


- /
- /${language} # The language of the kernel (python, R, rust, etc)
- /${identifier} # Kernel "type" (base, base-gpu, databricks, spark, etc)
- /$(version) # If applicable, the version of the language being used
- /docs # Docusaurus site (you're here!)

For some of the existing kernels, this looks like

- /
- /R
- /base
- /4.3.0
- /python
- /base
- /3.9
- /3.10

If we were to add a new language, such as Rust @ 1.70.0:

- /
- /rust
- /base
- /1.70.0 # Add a new rust/base directory, then seed the initial version

To add an additional Python version, such as 3.11:

- /
- /python
- /base
- /3.9
- /3.10
- /3.11 # We just add a new subdirectory

Note, that when adding kernel directories, /docker-bake.hcl will also need to be configured to build the new targets. For information on docker buildx bake, please refer to

GPU Variants

For kernels that need GPU packages, a -gpu sibling is created for each language’s base image. Any further child kernels can inherit from this base image, and simply install any additional packages. This allows us to share common system level packages for GPU enablement, while also reducing build times for kernels that inherit from it


To standardize the design of Noteable kernels, the following requirements must be met before the new kernel spec can be approved:

  • All images for a specific language must be built off of that language's base image
  • Base images must be able to start and run their entrypoint
  • The resulting image must run as the noteable user (or 4004:4004)
  • The home directory for the user must be /home/noteable
  • The entrypoint must be located at /usr/local/bin/